
Some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about website design and develop are listed below.

EchoStrokes is a user-friendly interface to answer questions and in return get rewarded. You ECHO your knowledge, understanding, thoughts, and opinions while answering our questions and in return earn STROKES which you can redeem at prominent eCommerce sites.

EchoStrokes is absolutely FREE to use and is also free from any third party advertisements. And, on the contrary, EchoStores pays you by giving STROKES that can be redeemed to make purchases on prominent eCommerce sites.

EchoStrokes can be used with all email services. We encourage you to use your personal email.

As of now, EchoStrokes is available only in English. We will keep adding more languages to make questions more understandable to you in your native language.

To join EchoStrokes, simply "SIGN UP". You will be asked to provide some basic information when creating your account. After signing up, a confirmation email will be sent to you in order to finalise your registration. You must click the link in this email to confirm your registration on EchoStrokes. Once your registration is complete, you will become a Bronze Member and you can start participating to get rewarded.

You, as a part of the public, are like the “queen” or the “king” for the companies that produce products and services for you. They are always on the lookout to understand you better. As an EchoStrokes member you can participate in answering questions posed by such companies. We call this ECHOing your knowledge, understanding, thoughts, and opinions. You can then start earning STROKES that you can redeem for rewards at prominent eCommerce sites.

Profile questions are personal information about you, your family, and the household you normally live in. Profile questions are alway open for you to update as and when personal information about you changes, like when you pass a higher education level or learn a new language. Remember to keep updating your profile questions whenever there are changes.

Go to the “Profile” section. Select the question for which you would like to make changes in your answers. You will see the existing answer you have given. Change it to the new answer you want. It is as easy as that.

We ask for personal information such as gender, year of birth, occupation, education, income, etc. to better match you with the appropriate surveys and to classify you in groups. We provide your responses to our in anonymised and aggregated (in such groups). Read our Privacy Policy to know more.

Definitely NO! NEVER! We respect your data privacy and would never sell your personal data to third parties. No personal data is ever shared with any third party. Only anonymized and aggregated (in groups) information and insights are shared. For more information, please read the Privacy Policy.

After you successfully register you automatically become a Bronze Member.

Once you answer all the profile questions, truthfully to the best of your knowledge, you are automatically upgraded as a Silver Member. Silver membership helps you earn FIVE times more strokes than a Bronze member.

You have to be a Silver Member to be upgraded to Gold. You become a Gold Member if you continuously answer maximum inquiries posed to you truthfully for at least one year. Once you become a Gold member you are immediately able to redeem your STROKES without needing to wait for the minimum threshold. You will need to maintain your Gold membership by continuously participating. You can get downgraded to silver, if your participation drops.

There are two ways of becoming a Platinum member. One - you could have been invited by EchoStrokes to become a Platinum member through an email or SMS. You can accept or decline the invitation. Two, if you are a Gold member, and have remained so for at least one year, you can apply to become a Platinum member. You will then be asked for your complete residential address and a physical verification will be done. You will be told about the benefits and revised terms and conditions of Platinum membership. Once your platinum membership is accepted, you will also get a relationship manager.

If you are a Bronze or Silver member, once you reach a minimum threshold of STROKES, you will be able to make purchases on prominent eCommerce sites based on the accumulated STROKES. The difference from threshold will be displayed to you on your app. If you are a Gold or Platinum member, you will be able to make purchases without needing to wait for reaching the threshold.

We love to hear about your experiences using EchoStrokes. If you notice something didn't work properly, or if you have an idea for a cool new feature, send your thoughts to EchoStrokes@gralovis.com.